
We prepare together. Here you'll find articles on health, herbal medicine, maybe even some politics and a few stories here and there.  Enjoy!





This is the supporting cause of most of our current diseases, from heart disease, to diabetes, to eczema, to arthritis, to gout, and a host of other conditions. Our food isn't designed to feed us. It's designed to make us, and keep us, sick. The pharmaceutical industry can't make any money on a healthy population. So they've chemicalized our “food.” The only way out is to radically change what and how we eat.


What do I mean by “chemicalized”?


Let's take the cigarette industry as an example. We were told that nicotine is addictive and that as a result, we should all quit smoking. Well, maybe we should, but as it turns out, nicotine isn't addictive at all. In fact, it's a nutritious chemical that's found in a variety of foods such as potatoes and eggplant. You don't hear about people being so addicted to eggplant they must eat it every day, several times a day. You don't rush out to the store to buy a potato because you are irritable from withdrawal. At least I've never heard of such instances.


It's additives in the tobacco products that are addictive, not the tobacco or the nicotine in the tobacco.


So great was their success with additives in the tobacco industry, the food industry now has many added chemicals that they put in processed foods to keep us eating them, such as chips, soda (including diet soda), white-flour foods, sweetened foods, and most convenience foods. I am finding out that the food industry is even growing fresh meats, poultry, fish, grains, fruits and vegetables with added chemicals that are not designed for our health, but for their profit.


So what's safe to eat?!!


The short answer is know your farmers and ranchers and buy from them. That will not only feed you better, but you will also support your local economy.


In the meantime, you desperately need to go on an anti-inflammatory diet. A diet doesn't mean to quit eating food, but learning how to appreciate foods that actually feeds you.


The most common forbidden foods:


chips (almost ALL chips)


soda (includes “diet” drinks as well. The chemical sweeteners that are zero calorie also trigger your body in the same way as sugar does. They cause you to gain weight and they make you hungry.)


white flour (It's a non-food, no more than an extender to whole wheat flour, which is the real food. You'd be surprised at all the food products that include this inflammatory product.)


sugar (We all know about candy and desserts, but read the labels and note the added sugars designed to make you want more. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine.)


processed foods (filled with white flour and sugars, in addition to a host of chemicals that are not foods at all)


Now let's talk about fat. Fat, to the surprise of most people, does not necessarily make you fat. It's the kind of fat that makes the difference.


The fat in whole milk or whole milk products is all right.) 


Olive oil and coconut oil are acceptable too.


Contrary to what you've been told, eggs are a wonderful food that you can eat daily. Yes, daily! Not only do they satisfy your hunger with healthy fat (in the yolk), but they provide protein as well (in the white).


The fat that causes heart attacks is partially or fully hydrogenated vegetable oils such as that found in peanut butter. Real peanut butter contains only peanuts and salt. It separates and must either be stirred each time you open the container or you stir it once then refrigerate it. Or you can store it upside down after stirring. The solids then settle next to the lid, not a bad idea if you find yourself without electricity for a while.


Canola oil is not all right. It's made from rapeseed oil which is dangerous for your body. Most vegetable oils contain rapeseed and corn oils, which are not good for you either. And it takes years for your body to eliminate these fats by avoiding them.


This list is just to get you started. Read, read, read labels. Get to know what you're eating. Learn the flavor of real food.


Drink lots of water, and by that I mean unflavored water. Get used to and learn to like what wholesome foods and fresh water taste like. Buy a water filter. Filtered water that filters out chemicals (such as fluoride, which slows your brain function) is better for you than bottled water.


Just as an aside, I'm still working on my diet. True, I've upgraded my foods to be less poisonous, but I still have a longer road to travel to take me exactly where I need to go.


Go with God, family. Remember: “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17

We will see each other in health.



Mama Prepper